väärtuslike elupaikade kaitseEuropean Commission and Wildlife Estonia invite you to Riverine LIFE Platform Meeting: Strengthening populations of fish and other species through re-introduction, removal of barriers and habitats conservation 10th - 12th September 2014, Tartu, Estonia This is one of a series of platform meetings intended to promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst LIFE beneficiaries, with other key stakeholders also invited. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together LIFE project beneficiaries, organisations and institutions from across Europe to discuss aspects of their projects which address riverine species and habitats conservation in relation to EU biodiversity policy. Given the potential wide range of the discussion the meeting will focus on the following: • Populations strengthening and re-introduction programmes All participants are welcome to give a presentation (oral or poster) in relation to the above mentioned topics.
The programme The agenda is being updated in parallel with the registration and the final version will be sent to the registered participants with the delegate pack on 30 July 2014. Please note, that the working language of the conference is English.
For participation please register Please confirm your attendance and (if applicable) presentation topic by filling out the registration format the earliest opportunity.
There is no cost for the meeting itself and Wildlife Estonia will cover the cost of venue hire, and field trips. However, please note that participants would have to cover travel to Tartu, and accommodation costs, and main meals. Open LIFE projects can include these costs within their budget as eligible expenditure in the financial statement.
For further information contact kaia[no-Smpam)">
The organisers welcome you to the conference and to Tartu! |
The programme of the following three conference days has been divided into four sessions:
Session 1 – Strengthening populations and re-introduction programmes Session 2 – Migration barriers and fish passages Session 3 – Local LIFE projects Session 4 – Who benefits from the conservation of riverine species and habitats?
In case changes should occur in the order of presentations the corresponding speaker will be informed and contacted separately by the organisers. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
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Keskuse tutvustus
Eesti Loodushoiu Keskus on 2000. aastal asutatud ühing, mis tegeleb peamiselt sisevete kaitse ja kalastiku elutingimuste parandamisega.
Elupaikade kaitse
Allikad, jõed ja järved on meie ühine rikkus, mille suurim väärtus on nende looduslik seisund. Vee-elupaikasid hoides tagame puhta vee, liigirikka elustiku ja kauni looduse.
LIFE projektid
2022. aasta septembris algas viieaastane projekt LIFE Baltic Sturgeon. Lõpule on jõudmas Pärnu jõestiku elupaikade taastamise tulemuslikkuse uuringud ja kalateede tõhususe uuringud. Käimas on Võsu jõe paisjärvede mõjude uuring.
Lahtiütlus. LIFE projekte kaasrahastab Euroopa Liidu LIFE programm. Avaldatud seisukohad ja arvamused on siiski ainult autori(te) omad ja ei pruugi kajastada Euroopa Liidu seisukohti. Nende eest ei saa vastutada Euroopa Liit.
Veski 4, Tartu 51005
Tel: (+372) 7 422 767
Tel: (+372) 5176886